Thursday, March 27, 2014

The fuzzy tale of the bunnymen

Did you know …

That the human body will not reject grafted-on rabbit skin? It’s true!

While rabbits are of course distinct species from humans, the genetic makeup of rabbit skin is nearly identical to that of human skin, and our bodies do not recognize it as foreign tissue. What’s more is that even individuals whose HLA and blood types make them difficult candidates for human organ transplantation are still able to receive rabbit skin grafts without complications. Sadly, many injured people choose their own horribly disfigured skin over a sleek rabbit skin graft.

On the other hand, there are individuals who actively seek out rabbit skin transplants, whether for cosmetic or cultural reasons. You’ve probably seen these “bunnymen” before and, yes, that’s their real skin and fur (if not the skin and fur they were born with). If you must treat bunnymen differently, do it because the vast majority of them are dangerous sexual deviants, and not because they wear the fine skin and lustrous fur of bunnies. Don’t contribute to rabbit skin transplant stigma.

1 comment:

  1. This appears to be some kind of bonus post. That, or March had 32 days this year. Is that possible?
