Monday, January 13, 2014

Spiderweek: Through the lips and over the gums!

What's this? Something's crawling over your blanket, up your chin, and toward that disgusting dog food pit you call a mouth! It's ... Spiderweek!

Did you know …

That, depending on where and how often you sleep, you consume between 50,000 and 80,000 spiders a year? It’s true! that’s at least 136 spiders each night—they practically line up and march into your mouth as soon as you close your eyes!

Some people have argued that the notion that a spider or any other small animal would actively crawl into a predator’s mouth is absurd, and that it flies in the face of basically all observational evidence. Still, a lot of people believe it to be true nonetheless, and these people are correct! What the doubting-Clarences are forgetting is that spiders are insane! They’ll do anything, like crawl by the hundreds into someone’s mouth for no apparent reason!

Keep those lips shut tight, junior scientists (not that it will help!)

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