Thursday, September 12, 2013

Leprosy does it too!

Did you know …

The origins of the expression “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”?

Is it because apples are so good for you? Well, scientists have found that people who eat at least one apple every day tend to live, on average, 30 years longer than people who don’t eat apples, or people who eat them only occasionally. However, while apple-eaters are generally much more long-lived, they are also riddled with worms, and if you’ve ever had worms you know that that means plenty of trips to the doctor!

The saying actually stems from the older expression “an apple a day keeps the darkness at bay.” This came from the mistaken belief that eating apples prevented the sun from setting. Seeing as how apples are harvested in the fall, when the days will become shorter no matter how many apples you eat, scientists have found that the inventors of this saying were, in fact, idiots. Who were these card-carrying idiots? The Dutch!

Until next time, my little Promethei!

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