Thursday, August 7, 2014


Did you know …

That the first explosive devices were made out of grapes? It’s true!

Way back in the day, when people wanted to blow something up, they’d just stick a wick into a grape (purple or green), light it, and place the grape next to the offending object. Of course, being made of mostly water, plant fibers and sugar, no grape ever exploded. How could they?! Man, people were so goddamn stupid back then.

Functioning explosives weren’t discovered until someone tried the same trick with a stick of dynamite. Or, I should say, functioning explosives weren't discovered until someone tried the same trick with a stick of dynamite while someone else was watching from a safe distance. (Again, people were so pathetically dumb back then that a ton of them got blown up in the process of discovering whether or not dynamite was explosive.)

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