Thursday, July 17, 2014

Three more for Muster Mark!

Did you know …

That quarks come in flavors? It’s true!

Quarks are, of course, the itty-bitty subatomic particles that make up hadrons, which make up protons and neutrons, which make up atoms, which make up molecules, which make up cells, which make up you and your friend, which make up the tall, beer-buying, trenchcoat clad man with a suspiciously small head, which makes up the fabric of our society. And those little quarks come in varieties called “flavors.”

Until recently, quarks were known to come in six different different flavors: up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top. (How evocative!) Recent research, however, has uncovered three more flavors of quark: crunchabunch, sparkle, and heinie. Crunchabunch and sparkle are found in many of the atoms and molecules that make up breakfast cereals and craft materials, while heinie . . . well, you can probably guess.

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